Hüseyin Tüccar - Mehmet İnan / Bursa, Aug 19 () - In a neighbourhood where Roma community dominates in western Bursa city, a couple of Roma origin held a carnival-esque night of henna and wedding ceremony with dollars spilled out, where the bride saluted the guests on a lift bucket.

In Kızyakup neighbourhood of Osmangazi district, the 18-year-old bride Kevres Doğan and her childhood friend 22-year-old Ali Güğünç got married with a Romani wedding, marked with Turkish gipsy dance of the couple and the guests, until the morning light.

However the wedding ceremonies’ most remarkable moment was when the bride, in a diamond dress combined with a crown and mask, arrived to the night of henna carried on a three-wheeled bearer that was given the form of a sailboat pulled by the groom.

Of course, with respect to the Turkish idiom “That’s how Romani weddings rule”, the bride’s arrival to the wedding ceremony matched the “concept” as well. The bride arrived to the ceremony in a glittering wedding dress- this time carried by a lift bucket- and saluted the guests on the lift.

In the wedding, guests spread dollars into the air and over the couple, while dollar hit record high levels every other day this week.


Video Stream

- Bride arrives to the henna night on three-weeled bearer in shape of a sailboat

- Guests spread dollars over the couple while doing traditional gypsy dance

- Couple on a lift bucket, while saluting the guests and dancing


Kaynak: dha